Birthday Blues

So, I was wondering what to do for my Third Blipday. Should I mark it in some special way? Perhaps not as publicly as my First or as number-obsessed as my Second. But then again, I didn't do anything special for 100 or 200 or 300, 500 only involved a bit of Photoshop and 1000, a few months ago, was just another theatre photocall. I went on at some length in that 1000th blip about what I love about blip and how it all started for me, so I won't repeat myself here - please go back if you're interested.
And so in the end I decided on a picture as if this was any other day on Blipfoto - just something from my day and not particularly related to the numbers 3 or 1095. As it happens there is a birthday theme, as this was the band at a friend's 60th birthday party - he's there, second from the right - just getting going as they entertain the other guests. Another beautiful day so we were all out in the garden. The hosts had checked with their neighbours, or at least most of them, and it was still only late afternoon anyway, so I'm sure no one would mind a bit of live music on a sunny Saturday afternoon.
Expressions look better large!
Thanks to all my friends on Blip and to the people behind the scenes that keep this wonderful community going.
Just five days to my 'real 1000th'.

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