Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Cheeky Cherub

"I wish if I was 8 now." - So said our unhappily 6-year-old lad today. Up since 5am, he was tired, and not really able to cope with the disappointment of being told we didn't want him doing what the older neighbourhood kids were, on the roadside.

Ah well, he's happy racing cars on the iPad now.

Up early, and out for a run. I hadn't been sure how far to go; I really want to get up to 2 hours (my 15 km last weekend was a bit under 1:30), but thought perhaps I should take it a bit easy, having increased my mileage so much over the last two weekends. I was still pretty undecided when I headed out at 5:30-ish, but underneath I probably still intended a long run: I went the route that took me 13 km a fortnight ago, probably with the notion of extending that a bit even further. I started out running slowly, as I was after a long run, rather than pace. Ended up crap though: felt stiff, sore, weary, and slow. Absolutely no enjoyment for the whole run, which I cut short, ending up only 10 km - which took almost an hour. Very displeased. But ... also quite satisfied, as I beat the Blerch (to be honest, just not curling up in a whimpering ball on the roadside would have counted as beating the Blerch this morning; completing the run without walking at all felt a rather impressive feat). xP

Up to Leura later in the morning. Nice morning tea, and some excellent success for mrs tsuken at Papinelle. Unfortunately the effects of the children's early rising manifested. Still managed to get some nice pics of them though; my other blip choice was this of the lad.

Here's the girl larger.

Been cooking a roast, with herbs and mustard on top, and a caramelised onion jus to accompany it. Looking forward to devouring it.

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