Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Yay - feeling better. 8) Still a cough, a little stuffed up - and felt somewhat fatigued walking up a minor hill when we went out for lunch. O_õ But mostly better.

Bought two new pairs of secateurs: one to use for pruning nice clean healthy things, and the other for dirty diseased unpleasant black-spot-ridden rose canes and such. I decided against the $72 pairs they had. O_O Pruned the roses, went to buy a new rose or three to replace two that aren't flowering any more (all they do is spread and grow madly; I think the root stock might have taken over), and one I think is just too unhealthy (it does grow tall, and produce nice flowers, but the canes are rough, very reddish, and just look bad). Couldn't find any the colours we wanted though; we'll look again again in a few weeks.

Outside, moved our wooden bench seat from the front porch to the back by the trees. Sat reading (started The Player of Games, by Iain M. Banks), and photographing the kids as they ran back and forth. I am always captivated by the explosive energy in Missymoo's running - and her lovely smile and clear enjoyment and fun. As for the lad, he doesn't display that explosiveness, but does share the superlative form, and also showed how sweet and dreamy he can be. I also snapped mrs tsuken on said bench.

I also snapped a magpie lunching on grass spiders, and cockatoos being cockatoos - one of which became today's blip; larger here.

Mrs tsuken and I have just been discussing food (shock horror, I know): we both think we see the beginnings, the glimmering, of a shift in people's ideas about food - away from over-processed, under-nutritious, edible food-like substances, and towards whole foods.

We live in hope, anyway.

Of course, we're having pizza tonight. xP But it is home-made, with not much in the way of processed or dodgy ingredients... Flour, pesto (though with minimal ingredients and no weird stuff), pizza sauce, and I suppose the cheese (though not processed cheese a la Kraft; proper mozzarella and parmesan) are the only processed things in or on them.

Edit/addition: it could perhaps be worth your minute or so to go checkout the Milky Way I just shot a little while ago this evening. I'm rather pleased. 8)

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