Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hard to say no...

The migratory clock is ticking ... very soon, my fast and furious little friends will be gone for the year. So, how could I say no to blipping a hummingbird today? Especially one as handsome as this young male, sporting his first few "big-boy feathers" on what will be a dazzling red gorget by next summer. I thought maybe the adults males were all gone, but I saw one today at the feeders - one of my summer residents, or a migrant? Who knows...

Check him out in LARGE to see the gleam in his eye and the tip of his little tongue!

I had some office time today, and a little backyard time. While I was taking a look at the native garden that we planted I was thrilled to find a great big monarch caterpillar! It was at least 1 1/2 inches (6-7 cm) long and was happily munching on one of the milkweed! Yay! Based on the size, I'm guessing that it must be just about ready to crawl off and form its chrysalis. Milkweed is a wonderful plant - food for hummingbirds, pollinators and monarch caterpillars - what's not to love!?

I posted five alternate shots on Flicker, starting HERE with a weeping cosmos. Included is a shot of the caterpillar, another hummer and our two kids cats.

Thanks for all the comments and stars on my warbler. In spite of my certaintiy that it was a magnolia warbler, it actually turned out to be prairie warbler. And this is why fall "warlbering" is so freaking difficult!

Happy Monday!


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