saluted us in the morning. I waited till eleven o'clock and cycled then to the Madestein and Uithof parks when the weather looked already better.
It was nice to see bigger animals again. A swan family, 6 rather big babies, young grebes that still shrieked for food, a heron, imperturbable, and next to the heron these two crows. not at all afraid of me and posing in different bearings. I made several pictures of this duo; I liked their simultaneous pose the ,ost.
The evening seems to stay calm and still Sunny, so after dinner we will look at the sunset in the sea.

My haiku:

The crows like it here
Shelter between the branches
Nicely together

And the proverb:

Geen ezel kan zijn oren afbijten.

Transaltion: No donkey can eat her/his own ears.

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