Red River (at Night) the sarumstroller's delight!

No, not the famous Western movie but the River Avon, at Stratford-sub-Castle, north of Salisbury.

A three mile round walk, with tripod, I was hoping for moonscapes, as it is only a day or two away from a full moon. Unfortunately, said lump of rock in the sky was obscured by cloud that I hadn't taken account of, so after some other aborted efforts, went down to this crossing of the river.

Five and a bit minute exposure blended the streetlights of Salisbury with high cloud and the moon is behind the trees on the right, where the paling and whitening is. Lens is Nikkor 10-24mm.

You can just see the Cathedral spire with its red light on top on LARGE

Am delighted that Blip Central have used my Rodeo cowboy in action Blip of the other day on facebook! Always nice when they do that! Thanks guys!!

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