that my efforts to take a picture seem so futile. The utterly dull light could be the reason or awaking in the morning from an unexplicable unpleasant dream, or some other reason not yet known to myself.
In the late afternoon, a tiny bit brighter, I walked down the hill to the supermarket and made a detour along the harbour. They are reconstructing the walls that were in bad shape, and at the places where the work is a fence has been constructed.
The sparrows, quite a lot, keep going through it and find a nice resting place too.

My haiku:

The oaktree shakes off
All her acorns, all day long
Pick pick on my head

And the proverb:

Een knoop in de draad is een steek gespaard.

Translation: A knot in the thread saves one stitch.

I still remember how we were forbidden to put a knot in the thread in the sewing lessons at school.

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