Weather was quite nice today so I decided to do a bit of gardening. Started off doing a bit of light pruning - ended up cutting down most of the bushes near the wall in the front garden. Filled the green bin - what didn't fit in can be seen in my blip shot. I have piled it up in a corner till the green bin is empty again. I was out in the garden for 3 hours - was slightly exhausted by the end.

Cookie ( my neighbour's cat ) kept me company while I was working. He's a lovely cat and I'm glad he is so friendly. I used to see him more often when my Bobby was alive as Cookie used to come into my house back then and sleep on my bed with Bobby. He is one of the 3 cats who come into the utility room to eat the food I leave there. Cookie and Tino actually came face to face this morning. I was in the utility room putting the washing machine on and Tino was with me. There is a cat flap to the outdoors but Tino doesn't know what it is and has never tried to go through it. All of a sudden the cat flap flew open and Cookie burst in. Both cats were amazed to see each other and just stood perfectly still for a bit. Then Tino went towards Cookie - not aggressively - just out of curiosity I think, Cookie growled and made a quick exit through the cat flap. Glad there wasn't a full on fight.

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