overgrown with coloured vines. Mischa and I walked along the Weser westwards in the morning. Enjoying the scenery, but the light conditions for taking pictures were not the best to say the least. We walked as far as the large bridge and underneath. I had hoped that the slope which is grown with bushes and trees that turn in autumn to a stupendous coloured scenery, would show its splendour.
It did not.
On our way we had met with sheep and horses (offered them the carrots) and snails that crossed the path, feeling the warmth of the stone. It was not actually hot, but we felt a rather nice warmth. Did we went to far for a first walk?
We were glad on our way back that a little bakery was open and we could buy apple juice (Schorle) and drink it sitting on a bench outside.
Mischa took a big coloured leaf from the path to take home with her and then she discovered a tiny baby snail on it. See here her blip if you like.
A quiet afternoon was asked for.

I am very glad that you liked my little woodscene of yesterday. Seeing it twice, on our way there and back, I found it such a fairy image. Only seen by us, as we did not meet any soul on that path.
I am very thankful for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts.

My haiku:

The old farm fosters
Horses, sheep and numerous
Creatures yet unseen

And the proverb:

Rusten en werken Heeft zijne perken.

Translation: Rest and work have their limits.

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