The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Morning light over Montserrat

I got up this morning to put the kettle on, and noticed that the light over the valley was strong. By the time I'd fed Bomble and made the tea, the sunlight had vanished. So I got back into bed, and hey presto! the sun popped out again. I ran to the back steps with my camera, and noticed how many telegraph poles and wires were in the way. This is the only shot I without wires. It's from an area across the valley, along from the hamlet of Butterow, itself lying below Rodborough hill. This area is called Montserrat. I know not

After work, I went to a caff for lunch and got stuck into reading my life writing course work. Then off to see the film Philomena (again) with a friend. She had not realised what the film was about, just that it starred Judi Dench. The subject affected her deeply, so she left, and so did I, and we had coffee instead. She was also waiting for news about the imminent news of the birth of her first great-grandchild!

I only took these five shots all day. I am getting bogged down with doing two courses as well as having several jobs and a blip journal! Next term I am only going to do one course, I have decided. I hope the scriptwriting course that is currently running in Stroud will run again. Early indications are that it will. It would be a relief not to be schlepping off to the next town (Stonehouse) every week. I think in my case it's not so much the work-life balance as the course-life balance. Am I actually an extremely low-paid workaholic? Am beginning to think so.

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