Bleeeuuuugh! That stinks!

Here's a list of things that stink (from my world today)

1. The man who was stood in front of me in the queue at the corner shop whilst I was getting milk this evening - you know that smell of stale body odour and clothes that haven't been washed for a long time so they smell kinda fishy? yeah - that was how he smelt - I very nearly retched. Really there is NO need for the great unwashed to be like that - 4 bars of soap from Asda for a quid. Water. Deodorant. Daz. Key words to live by!

2. The children of the man stood in front of me looking grubby and unwashed, whilst they manhandled virtually every chocolate and sweetie packet in the shop. That's one way to stop me from eating chocolate.

3. The chavtastic body builder and his tango tanned, lip pierced, boob jobbed girlfriend in the chippy (yeah - lazy tea!) who alternated between openly snogging each other and being close to needing a room, to "f"-ing and jeffing at volume, then taking the mickey about the accents/pronunciation of the girls behind the counter (who are fabulous and give us big portions of chips) - it was all I could do to bite my tongue and not make eye could have got nasty - I'd could have taken her, but he was a bit big!

4. The numpty in a big black JEEP on the M62 at 5.55pm, near to Junction 11, whilst we were all sat patiently in a traffic jam, because of a clearly marked accident, who was so damn impatient he was going to scoot up the hard shoulder - however, when two of us in front of him positioned ourselves right on the white lines, he realised that his oversized box on wheels wasn't going to get through - it gave me enormous satisfaction to fly up the slip road ahead of him 5 minutes later because my car has more torque than his! Haha.

5. Adults who lie

6. Children who think the world is against them when clearly its not.

7. Children who think that they can speak to adults however they like and get away with it.

8. Nasty cold bugs that stop Corin from being well.

I could go on.

But actually I feel much better now.

And I have a pot to pee in (no, literally - ready for Wednesday - its the smallest pot in the world!)

Here's something that definitely doesn't stink - quite possibly the loveliest blip I have seen in ages - a proper kids adventure.

And for a laugh (Rose, I know you read this - you need to take a look) - go look at the second instalment of the family photo archives - so very very 70's!

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