The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Blurry Blurry Night

...paint your palette green and blue.. One of those day when I was blipless. Thought about trying to get a shot of the now closed-down Blockbusters, because TMLHereandThere had been bemoaning the lack of DVD stores (it's all streaming now, apparently), but it was too sad to see a major store closing. I think the chain went bust; got rescued, and then closed some stores. Or maybe went bust again....

Later, I was preparing parcels of aroma-stuff in my study for mail order customers, when I noticed the LED lights shining on the pea pod-like piece of fused glass I bought a few years ago at the craft fair at Goodwill Evening (see last Friday's blip for Goodwill Evening this year). So I climbed onto my desk and began the task of scaling the mountains of paper and debris... eventually I got there. Not one of my better shots, but the parcels took somewhat longer than anticipated.

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