when I cycled to the Madestein park and the Uithof. Before me on the cycle-path there walked a swan and a muscovy duck. It was obvious that the duck chased the swan. It seemed that the swan intended to cross the busy road, where the cars drive swiftly. I stopped immediately and with my bike between me and the swan I tried to direct her back to the little pond. It took me a while, because the swan wanted to go to the left where the road was all the time and happily enough he suddenly ran to the right, through the bushed and dived into the water.
But the duck followed him and did bite him in the tail and pulled some feathers out of the tail.
I walked to the pond too. The swan happened to be the father of the four young ones and he swam there with his new lover. The duck kept chasing the two swans around the pond. I gave them some bread.
From there I cycled first to the Uithof, where the stork pair first sat on their nest and then they both flew away.
I followed my way and ended in the city farm in Wateringen where I took pictures of the male peacock and the two females too.
The caretakers showed me the new muscovy duck nest, they proudly told me that there were 8 eggs. The male tended to be agressive to the chickens who wanted to peep in and one chicken had laid an egg in the nest too.

I feel very thankful for all the attention I got for the picture of my pheasant, the lovely comments, stars and hearts. I always find it very stimulating and it gives me inspiration to continue over and over again.

My haiku:

My yourney started
In bright sunshine I hated
The scary moment

And the proverb:

Het schijnt al zoet, wat men nooit geproefd heeft.

Translation: It seems to be sweet, what one has never tasted.

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