and that made me stay at home all day.
I worked on the bookcase and the result was rather satisfactory. In a way it looked as if it had been always there. I will have to paint two more shelves, a very economic system the Lundia is.
Of course I thought a picture of one of my orchids would do for a wet day.
The reflection in the wet window was a surprise to me that I heartely received as a possibility for my picture.
Tomorrow perhaps the same amount of rain, can's say I look forward to it, I'll continue with the reorganisation of the books. Children books, many of them, I'll be busy with. And painting of course.
I did not go out but after hours of raining I thought of the waterbirds and how they would do, feathers waterproof I hope.

My haiku:

The orchid admires
Her reflection she fears now
That it is prettier

And the proverb:

Dat is aan een dovenmans deur geklopt.

Translation: That is knocking on a door of a deaf person.

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