Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A first for me!

I had a great day out on the Appalachian Trail today with my walking group. The weather was perfect and we managed to see all kinds of interesting flora and fauna ... and I got to see my first ever Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton) butterfly. The experts in the group agreed that this was a newly emerged specimen, which explained why we were all able to get loads of pictures while it stretched it's wings in the sun. It's really a spectacular little butterfly and one that is not commonly seen in New Jersey - I hope my picture gives you a little idea as to how brilliantly colored it is. I also saw another first - a lovely little brown butterfly called (appropriately!) an Eyed Brown!

It was a great day and a much needed escape for me. I came home sweaty and tired which is always a sign of a good day! Nothing that a shower and a glass of wine won't cure!

Thanks for the many lovely comments and faves and stars on my little hummingbird yesterday. You'll be seeing more of them as the summer moves into full swing.

If you've got nothing better to do and want to look at 12 more shots from today (mostly butterflies with a few odes and other insects thrown in for fun - no spiders), please Click HERE. The first shot is of one of my favorite butterflies, the Great Spangled Fritillary (I know - who comes up with these names?)

Tomorrow is Hump Day ... and it is also only 8 more days until Hubs gets here!



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