Family Dog

By Family_Dog

weak week

This has been an absoltue pig of a week.

Starting at 4.20am on Monday morning with some drunk aggressive bampot breaking in the main door and then trying to kick his way into my neighbour's flat upstairs from us and ending with the knowledge that the job Bry was pretty much getting has now fallen through.

Every single bit of it from start to finish and in between has just been pants. I am glad I'm sitting on the sofa with a bottle of wine and the knowledge that my lovely bed awaits.

I am annoyed that I didn't get more shots done for Bliptogether and I'm sad that we're still getting weeks like this after all the crap we've been through. Waves of crashing disappointment coupled with mild waves of panic. It's not nice.

I am more than aware that life could be worse (close your eyes, flick to any page of your newspaper and point your finger at random and there is your evidenc) but we're allowed a bit of a mope. Hopefully this means that we're not getting another week like that for aaaaageeeeees.

I'm ending my week here - tomorrow, I've decided, is the start of a new week and what better way to start it than spending it with my community.

Shit. I've just realised I've taken the same picture as the blipblog! Oh well. It's done now! Eejit.

See you tomorrow, friends x

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