Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

So...what did you do today?

Well, now that you've asked, little titmouse...

I had tea on the patio this morning with the juvenile titmice who are now coming to the feeders without their parents. They act like typical kids, sassing each other, pushing and shoving a bit, but sticking together. They seem to enjoy puffing up, which is what you see this one doing. And they are endlessly inquisitive, as you can clearly see HERE.

I packed 4 boxes and mailed a big box to Hubs.

I set a date to move! (I will schedule the movers to come load everything up on Monday Sept 29 and will leave the following day to drive to FL)

I watched some American goldfinches plucking seeds from the sunflowers in my garden. And although I wasn't fast enough to catch it, I saw a pair breeding...on the clothesline!

I stopped in a shop run by the local domestic abuse charity and found that they will happily take some of my household items, wedding dress and some formal wear to sell in their shop. This allows me to get rid of some gently used items, and support a wonderful organization at the same time. Win-win.

I saw an ovenbird (a member of the wood warbler family) on the clothesline.

I watched a juvenile male investigating the gladiolas in my garden and then watched him dive in head-first!

I watched a big, slightly tattered Giant Swallowtail in my zinnia patch, looking glorious

And I caught my second glimpse this summer of a cute-as-a-button juvenile gray catbird

I missed my hubs, but consoles myself that I'll see him in 9 more sleeps...

Cheers, good people.


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