Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Carpe diem!

Seize the day. I can't think of a more apt phrase to describe the tufted titmouse, one of the most common birds in my backyard. For the past three years, I've watched these chipper little birds visit the feeders daily - in blinding blizzards and hurricanes and heat waves and cold spells. Every summer, I watch the youngsters learn the ropes, making me laugh aloud at their antics. Happy to say that tufted titmice are also common throughout Florida so I hope that I'll still be seeing plenty of them.

One of the things that is so endearing about titmice is their "can do" attitudes, their ability to dream big! And, yes, this little guy took off with his prize and got it up to a handy branch high in the maple tree, where he proceeded to peck it open and extract the peanuts.

There was a new hummer hanging around today - a female showing some signs of molting. She was taking long drinks from the feeders, no doubt filling up for the next leg of her journey. I've posted pics of her, a flurry of blue jay feathers, a puffy titmouse and a stealthy cedar waxwing starting HERE on Flickr.

No word back yet from the showing today - so I am still keeping everything crossed and trying NOT to get my hopes up too much. I should hear something from our realtor tonight or tomorrow.

Had a delightful lunch today with a local woman who I've known on Facebook for sometime - can't believe it took us so long to finally meet in person. She's also a birder/nature lover.

More details came out about the young man (only 22 years old) who was killed by the bear over the weekend. Turns out that he and 4 other young men (all inexperienced hikers) encountered the bear and when it wouldn't stop following them, the all ran in different directions. When they found each other again, their fifth member was missing. When he was found by state troopers, he was gone and the bear was "guarding" him. The bear was shot and authorities say autopsy results should be available by week's end. It has been 150 years since a recorded fatal bear on human attack in NJ. It is quite sobering, to say the least. So you can imagine how I felt when I was walking up our driveway (which is quite long) just at dusk last night after taking our recycling out, when I spied two bears about 100 feet from me in our yard. I bit back every instinct inside me that was screaming "run" and walked calmly into the garage .. then I ran into the house! I had it drilled into me at a very young age to NEVER run when confronted by any sort of wild animal. I only wish those young men had been taught as I was.

One week until lift off....


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