mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Little Monster

He's not really a monster! He's been a bit off today, still not too sure what's up with him.

Did a huge amount of washing and as the weather was nice I got it all hung out and dry. Aidan only slept for an hour after his breakfast. I got him up and he sat playing on his mat in the livingroom. I went to get a coffee and when I returned he had sicked blueberries everywhere! Lovely! Full change of clothes for Aidan. That's when I put this 'Little Monster' t-shirt on. I am so used to Aidan being sick. It really is just a part of our lives. The very worst day I ever had, that prompted me to go to the doctors, was when I had to change his clothes 8 times in 40 mins as he just kept being sick. Anyway, apparently he is just a sicky baby and will grow out of it. To be fair he isn't sick nearly as often as he used to be. Thankfully!!!

Then Aidan was tired so he was back to be at 11am. I had to get him up at 12.15pm so I'd have time to give him lunch before Peep-Fit. Thankfully he ate his lunch with no problems. Then I struggled with parasol for the buggy, still not entirely happy with it's position. Oh well. Peep-Fit was quite good today and Aidan seemed to enjoy more than normal.

Then we had a lovely stroll home in the sunshine and Aidan went back to his bed when we got in! We had a bit of trouble getting him to settle tonight. Hopefully he'll have a good sleep and be a bit brighter tomorrow.

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