Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Ice Cream Cone

When we walked into Pilates today (our new obsession), the sky was cold and overcast.

When we walked out of Pilates today (our new obsession), we were greeted by the sun.

My good girlfriend and I decided to take our kids to the playground. We met another good friend there and the kids ran around and played together while we enjoyed chit chatting under the sun.

Me: Hey, do you want to be my eye model for today's blip?

My friend: Ooooh heeeeeeelllllllll noooooo!

So I went with the delicious drippy ice cream cone that my daughter was covered in. I think that she ate half and wore the other half. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds today giving us a small window of time where it actually felt like summer.

Another fantastic get together with good good friends today.

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