A voice that keeps coming and going - I change from Mariella Frostrup-ish to Mickey Mouse in a heartbeat. Been freezing all day. Then a monstrous carbunkle started growing on my chin. (It feels worse that it is, but that could all change by the morning!).

Asda for many things to help me pamper myself, and a little treat - the most recent Scissor Sisters album - which prompted a discussion with my beloved about what a lovely bottom it is that appears on the cover. Indeed, I would be happy if mine was that pert!

Am going to laminate 20 A4 sheets to go on display in my classroom, then I am taking a glass of wine with me and I am going to soak in the bath, with my mudpack on, then sleep, hopefully as well as I did last night - apparently lavender and cedarwood on my pillow send me right off!

Rocking afternoon in my classroom - sorting out displays for Open Evening whilst listening to and watching the Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam and Nirvana, at volume. My playlist pleased our ICT techie and the men of the department.

Curry for tea.

On balance, it's been a good day really.

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