
By MallyC

Eschscholzia seed pods

Not very motivated today. Always the same after a headache day. Find it hard to think.

Decided to mow the pasture outside our back door before the next lot of rain comes along. We have an electric mower and it found the cutting heavy going. Took me 3+ hours to make a reasonable lawn out of ankle deep grasses, dandelions, daisies, and other unmentionables hidden in the dark green recesses by our four legged friend!

I am going to be a sorry mess tomorrow - back and hips already telling me I shoukd be more diligent and cut the back yard more frequently......this I know.... but I am well known for my heightened ability to procrasinate.

Anyway nearing the end of my epic journey I found that almost all the eschscholzias (California poppy) seed heads had opoened and dropped their seed directly on to the concrete path. I picked what was left, gathered the seed and was about to throw the pods into the composte when I noticed how beautifully marked the insides were.

Thus todays blip........

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