Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Memories of My Dad

Ok Day One of training and 180 to go.
Now the race is booked, I set up the Just Giving sponsorship site this morning.We are doing the race for Cancer Research as both me and my friend have had loved ones die of the Big C, our aim is to help in some way to make it the little c ( if I could do the font any smaller on here I would make it miniscule).
My Dad died in 1990 from Non Hodgkins, it's a long long time ago but I know that there is very much of him that lives on in me and my sister. He was an aspiring writer and never got anything published. When he was he was on the ward, he was in what we called " the bubble" (which was in effect a plastic tent to protect him from cross infection as his immune system was so depleted) he sat and wrote a diary which was also some escapism for him. The boundaries between reality, day dreams and memories were blurred as he wrote about a life with my Mum and the things he would do if he was out of the hospital, he wrote about picnics in France and described all the food so vividly, he wrote about long car rides in an open top car, he wrote about many things. It was the polar opposite to what was happening for him and he also described the grey bland hospital food and the claustrophobia of the bubble. It is easy to see why he would want to escape in whichever way possible and thank god he had the mental capacity to still imagine and visualise a better life outside of hospital. He never left the hospital.
This photo is a shot of a plectrum necklace I have that is inscribed with the most deeply memorable and poignant words that he wrote in his diary.
" I am the captain and my jet will go wherever I want it to "
I have never been sure if he wrote this or if it is a quote from someone else.
To me this was not solely another line in one of his journeys in his mind, this is about us being the masters of our own destiny.
I wear this every time I race and when it comes to the big one this summer I will be wearing it.
I am so lucky to be alive and writing the web site for cancer research made me once again think about how easily it can all be taken away.
Photographcally it's a bit pants and the flip side of the plectrum has the "Rentaghost half disappearing " feel to it as I simply don't know how to do split shots yet , I may set up tutorials in how to edit so strangely... or maybe I should just go to Photoshop!
Happy To Be Alive Monday Blippers

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