Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Emerson is 18 Today!

I can vividly remember the day our grandson was born because he arrived just as I was embarking on my new journey with the college. We already had 2 granddaughters -- Emerson's big sister, Ashly, and his cousin, our son's daughter, Desiree. Ashly was not quite 3 years old and Des was 2 1/2. Both girls are pictured above in the bicycle trailer with Emerson thinking he is going to pedal them about -- ha!

Emerson was sometimes wild and crazy as a little boy. We all never knew what he was going to pick-up next to throw across the room or where he was going to head with lightening speed. He was quite a character.

Today he is much more reserved. He's mostly quiet, but can be talkative. He's cuddly, loves animals, loves reading, and loves his family. Most of all he is involved with computers and especially computer gaming. This afternoon he went driving with Grandpa Fun. He is practicing and hoping soon to obtain his driver's license.

Today on his 18th birthday, he started as a fulltime college student, but he actually graduated from John F. Kennedy Middle College High School this past June with 22 college credits already earned. Having the high school right on the same campus with the college helps the students to get a head start on their future.

So I'm thinking back to the phone call we received 18 years ago -- early, early that Saturday morning asking us to come stay with Ashly so her mommy & daddy could head for the hospital. The arrival of a baby was approaching quickly.

Our daughter and son-in-law had chosen not to know the baby's gender until the birth. So we were delighted to welcome a boy-child into the family and the delight has never diminished.

As I step into the classroom tomorrow for the first time this semester, I will be acutely aware that I am facing a majority of students who were born in 1991. Since 1998, Beloit College has been helping professors as well as many others get a small perspective on what the newest college students know (or don't know). Beloit is telling us that"the class of 2013 heads off to college as tolerant, global, and technologically hip." Emerson has already been a successful student in my class--was there almost 2 years ago, so he won't be one of the 18 year olds I will instruct this semester.

Well, this is the final night of August. So I'll look for your blips next month.

We're hoping and praying that September brings a decrease in the intense heat we've had for days now and an end to the numerous fires raging here in Southern California.

Good night.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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