Northern Exposure

By Northern

Oh, you lucky people!

I shall be absent for a few days. (No that's not why you're lucky!) I'm heading into hospital to get my nose excavated. Just a small matter of nasal polyps, nothing serious.

You are lucky because in a moment of madness I actually thought I would take a photograph up my left nostril. This is not an easy task. Trying to focus a camera up your own nose is well nigh impossible. I managed it. But NO, NO, NO it's too horrid for you lovely people who delight in the beauties of the world to witness. It's like The Blob without the bonus of Steve McQueen and the 'cast of exciting young people'.

Thankfully the sun shone in the window just in time to save you from this fate worse than death.

Have fun while I'm away. Especially those of you who appreciate my godlike powers of suggestion.

Make sure you watch the Blob trailer on the link!

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