accidental awesome

By alexamato

I can't get enough of this weather. It's the kind of weather that says "Hey, get out and go do something!"

Work finished up early so we all had the afternoon to enjoy the sun. I putzed around with the camera for a short bit while searching for some headphones to replace my busted Sonys. Found some, so back to enjoying some good tunes.

I got the craving for a street ride, so I started to rush home to grab the bike. I shot this sea of commuters basking in the sun as they made their way home.
Probably not to get their bikes though.....

When I got home my buddy Danny from Virginia posted up this on facebook. It's pretty much one of the most horrible things I've ever seen, and I'm sure it's quickly spreading throughout the web. I hope this guy is found and he's charged with an attempted killing spree. I could only imagine what the cyclists would have done to him if his car had cut out or hit a wall and stopped. He would have been 'effed up!

I wish a speedy recovery to all the fellow cyclists hurt in this incident. I hope they get back on their bikes, and they get their due justice on this prick.

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