Pursuit Of Happyness

By happyness

Slice of Life - A. Timeless Mood

Special EFX

I figure that each one has our own little slice in the giant pie of life. We can use it however we want, change the world, live it on the edge, or just look at it through a camera. So this begs the question: is life to us just looking through a camera, or is it something more, a quality that only exists only in us artists. A connection, a feeling, a mood, a theme, one thing that's pulling us all together, and it's that very glue that makes Blip something more than just a life activity, it fits into a whole new category. Look at this picture, and see what it looks like to you, and than i ask you to move on with your day. But before you do so, i want you to look within yourselves, and think about your little slice of life.

isn't he cute, i named him Junior

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