A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Unhappy Map.

Warning - the following post may be grumpy, pessimistic and generally quite woeful.

This is my unhappy map.

Last week I received an e-mail with details about my placement that starts in April. Now, when I first heard about my placement I was very excited - I really wanted complex needs paediatrics...and that's what I got.

However, I'm not going to be based at the school & child development centre, as I originally thought...I'm instead going to be based 15 miles away from there.

It's still complex needs paediatrics (just without the cool school & centre). It's even focusing on two of the areas I'm interested in (pre-school neurodevelopmental and mainstream school physical disabilities). However, those 15 miles are making things very complicated.

The circled marker is where my placement is located (the other marker is just an alternative bus stop marked for my own benefit). To the far left is where I had originally thought I would be able to stay...however, the marker between that and the sticky is the bus station where I would have to get the bus every morning. The 2 markers to the right are accommodation sites suggested by the placement co-ordinator.

Regardless of where I stay, it's likely that I will need to be getting a bus sometime before 7:30am every morning. As such, the 2 suggested accommodation sites really don't seem very appealing, on account of being in the middle of nowhere with no real improvement on accessibility.

The place to the far left, however, probably won't really work either - as I'd have to get a bus from there to the bus station every morning...before 7am...needing to get 2 bus passes. Yes I can claim placement expenses, but not until after and only up to a certain level.

So...none of these options are particularly appealing and are kind of taking away from my initial placement excitement. I'm fairly certain something will be worked out okay, on account of "having friends in the right places"...aka friends in Dundee who also know people living in Dundee! But with placement creeping up fast and nothing concrete set in place I just can't quite shake the worry!

I'm sure it'll be fine...

It'll be fine.

I hope!!

Even so, I am still looking forward to placement a lot :]

Also...finished the antibiotics & the cough is pretty much cleared up. But this morning while eating breakfast I discovered a covering of small, red, flat spots covering my hands. And my arms. And...well...everywhere. I don't think it's anything major & a quick click around the web looks like it's likely just to be an "amoxicillin rash". But still - it was just another little thing to bring out the grump in me today!

Apologies for the rant...normal service will return tomorrow!

Grumpiness over...honest!!

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