Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


The harbour tide was out to reveal all the ropes that keep the boats secure.

What a night last night was..........bloody mouse.

Came home at 11.45pm to hear a scratching noise coming from my kitchen. I gingerly crept in to see a mouse scrambling around my sink. I freaked and panicked yet again and wondered what to do.
I phoned my friend whom I just had left and between me screaming and her trying to tell me what to do I eventually got a packet of bait and vase over the mouse.

I went to bed in a state and tried to sleep while praying that the mouse would suffocate and eat the bait and die.

Oh no, this morning I woke to find the mouse still alive.

Along at work I asked my boss for a number of a guy she has used to get rid of vermon. She offered to come along and help get rid of it.
So, that 's what we did. We quickly replaced the vase with a tupperware container and I slid the lid under and secured it. All the while having palpitations and trying to keep it together.

Tonight I have traps filled with peanut butter and I'm terrified of hearing it go bang.

I am a nervous wreck.

Bloody mice.

Edit - just watched a mouse take the peanut butter off the trap and run off. They are that small that the trap didn't register there was anything on it. F***.

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