daschunds & munchkin cats

By nataliee

Tea time

So, if you had to decide if your a coffee or tea person, I'd definitley be a coffee person. I need it to get up in the morning! Not that I don't like tea though. As a little girl, my mom (a world traveler) would make me tea with sugar and a little milk, the way they do in London :)
But I really got into tea over Christmas break from my boyfriend, Mazi. Mazi and his family love tea and drink it all the time. I guess I really got into it when I had the flu over break and was at Mazi's house and he was taking care of me and gave me a cup of tea. It made me feel so much better. Then I really started to get into tea and go grab some Starbucks tea with my best friend, Beedy.
The tea in this picture is some nice sleepy tea!
Mazi comes to visit in 3 weeks. I can't wait!
I wish my best friend Beedy could come visit. I miss her so much :(

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