Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Blip Star

She is a BLIP STAR.

Over a month ago she said to me, "I'm just going to take a photo a day with my iphone"

And she did. For like four days.

And now the conversation has changed to, "I really want to get a fancy camera".

She is a BLIP STAR and she is ADDICTED to BLIP.

And I will tell you this. If you look at her first few days of blip and then fast forward to what she is doing now?? You will a) be shocked and b) you will be totally impressed.

She is focusing on angles and perspective. Her journals are straight from the heart and full of love and expression. And her photography is spot on. It is growing leaps and bounds every single day.

She said to me the other day, "I think that blip is the first creative thing that I have ever stuck to for 30 days in a row".

She is inspired. And she is talented. And she is learning the ropes quickly. And she already has quite the blip following. This blipper is a BLIP STAR!

And, she lets me photograph her anytime I want. This evening they brought pizza over and at one point, I was standing on a chair hovering over her trying out a cool new perspective. And she lets me. And she tried out my nifty fifty lens and worked it out. It's a tricky little thing and she got some really cool pics with it. And then we edited a couple of them together in light room and honestly, her eyes were just dancing with excitement. She's got the passion for photography. And I love it! And we are sharing this passion together and it is FABULOUS!!!

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