Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Street furniture

My least favourite place on the trip was Irkutsk, aka "the Pearl of Siberia." I was staying with a very friendly couple in a cosy, warm and welcoming flat but it was at this point that homesickness kicked in and I was very nervous of the rapidly approaching border crossing.

My view of the city wasn't helped by the fact that when I arrived there from Lake Baikal, it had been mid 20Cs and very sunny but then in the space of 2 hours, that temperature dropped to below freezing as a massive storm hit and I wasn't dressed for it. The next day it was still horrid weather so not good for photography. I took a few photos of the ornate wooden houses, but decided to post this photo of a missile as the blip. It was part of a set of military equipment on display by the side of the main road, alongside a couple of tanks and armoured lorries. Odd.

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