Alzheimers Caregiver

By CarolWright

Mom's NO NO NO NO NO NO NO face

Really, I had a lovely photo of Fely, one of Mom's respite caregivers, giving Mom a big loving smooch on her cheek.

After Fely left at 2 pm, I brought out the 5x7 photo I had just enlarged, a lovely shot of Howard and Mom, similar to one from last Sunday. But more straight into the camera...

Mom balked and started yelling "No no no no no NO no no no no"
What's the matter Mom?
"NO NO NO NO NO.... that's not me... NO NO"
Yes, it is. See the hat and glasses, even the shirt.
"NO NO NO NO... that is not me..."
Yes it is...
YES...Mom, this is awfully arrogant of you, don't you think, to say this is not you? See Howard holding your hands and smiling? He loves you...!
"NO NO NO..." etc. (repeat this a few times).
Mom, I will prove that this is a photo of you. I will place your dolly right next to your head, see, this pink one. Then I will take a photo of you and the dolly...

Then I showed it to her. Really, I was all set to upload a cute photo...

I get this mother a lot, the negative sinkhole one...I am beyond taking it personally, but it is like having your own personal sinkhole to hell, one you wait on hand and foot. This negativity is why I go out and do favors for others, give dollars to panhandlers. They say "thank you" and look at you like you exist.

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