
By dorrit

Same Parking Lot

Different day! My sister-in-law and I go to the gym almost every day after work and this is our little window of opportunity to catch the sky and the sun setting. I finally got smart and take my camera with me so I can snap a couple before dark. The spring and summer and early fall are great times for picture taking but these winter months are dark just when I am getting started! I had some excellent news today. In fact, 2011 is shaping up really well! I got to spend time with all of my daughters. I got to spend time with my lovely grand-daughter and watch what a great mom she is! I got to spend time watching the joy that is Benjamin, my great grandson AND, we eagerly await my third daughter's baby! A new grandchild due in July! To top it all off, my first daughter was just offered a position as a professor of Anthropology at a university in Atlanta! She is currently living in London and that is just too far away :-). I am so very proud of all my girls! Business has taken a turn for the better and we are seeing a teeny light off in the distance! All in all, a wonderful year, so far!

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