
In a crisis type situation (although I will add that personally we are spared, many people in this city are not) it becomes interesting what is important. Family and friends, foremost.

If we look at Maslow's need theory, he said that Physiological needs are the basic requirements, these include air, water, nourishment and sleep.

In a modern society based on the last few days, my observation is that what appears important is:
* Shelter
* Water (bottled)
* Food
* Transport
* Power
* Cold beer
* Internet (ok, not a basic need, but feeling connected is important)
* Water (running)
* Blipping
* Sleep
* Flushing toilets

OK, somewhat tongue in cheek here, but also somewhat serious.

A common discussion topic here currently is "would you rather have water on or power". Overwhelmingly the answer is power. Then water from the tap, and then a flushing toilet. Situations like this in the photo are everywhere, the city is bleeding water, and to be honest, sewage. Only around 60% of households are connected, and even those have to boil the water, you can't drink it. It could be weeks or months before it's fully restored.

Usual story at the office today, power and internet, but no water. 10 staff in communal toilets and no flushing is interesting ;-)

Friends over for dinner, one family who has lost their house and it's now been officially written off, which is great news as now it can be demolished and they can rebuild a new one. Insurance covers rent for 12 months, so no time to much around. But, that's a common theme, this city isn't mucking around, repairs are happening fast, we'll be back on our feet as a city soon, although for some individuals and business it will be a very long time before they recover.

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