Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly


Looks like I'm gonna be spending this entire week home from work because of a massive cold... When I got up this morning I was convinced that this was my final day off sick, but even though my nose isn't making me go through rolls of paper like a hot knife through butter anymore, a massive headache all of the afternoon has left me feeling completely worn out. Meh. Lindy hop class starts in 35 minutes too :( (I'm gonna join A there, but instead of dancing, I'll be watching from a sofa next to the dancefloor. Boring, but it's the nicest thing to do considering dancing is a contact sport and I can't promise I'm not contagious.)

So, hanging out at home for a week doesn't sound THAT bad, eh? Well, let me tell you... They just started renovating the exterior of our apartment building, and not only have they covered it all in scaffolding and plastic, thus blocking our views AND our light, they also stomp around all over the roof (I really need to tell them to stop wearing clogs to work) and walk around the building banging on the walls with hammers for some reason (this always makes me think someone is knocking on our door) and to top it off I have my computer right next to a window, where now there are men in hard-hats working RIGHT OUTSIDE (Are they at least good looking you ask? Alas, no.). Literally two meters from where I've been sitting in front of the compy, in my dressing robe for lack of energy to get properly dressed, with a nose looking like a red stoplight, blowing my nose every other minute. I've felt incredibly nice looking, let me tell you :P

Posted a backblip that shows the plastic going up... (whee, very interesting :P) which is the only pic I've had the energy to snap all week, until I spotted another flower blip waiting to happen today. Emergency blip for sure, but I felt I needed to tell you I'm still here :)

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