It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

Hide and seek

Well... a rather nice day today! it has been lovely weather so I decided to stuff the marking for today (I'm gonna regret that I know!) and go to the countryside for a bit of a recharge.

I went off for a wander and found this tree that had rotten and snapped at some point... it seemed to be calling out for a photo, so I clambered about trying to get a good angle.

This is when I had the wonderful idea of going the other side to get a macro of the little mossy things growing at the base. I put my bag down and got my macro lens out and hung my camera around my neck. The next problem was how to get the other side as behind the stump is a reasonable sized stream...

"it's ok" I thought, I'll jump across to that bit of bank (it was only a few feet away).... so hanging onto a branch, I made a confident and what I can best describe as a Bear Grylls style leap. What I hadn't bargained for though was the fact the 'bank' was in fact a tree trunk that was covered in soil, leaves and moss... my feet slipped, went flat on my backside and I hung on for dear life to the branch, trying (without success) to keep my feet out of the stream.

I'm sure if anybody had been watching me it would have been a funny sight... in the process I managed to break two of my fingernails and pull the muscles in my arm... luckily though I had a penknife in my camera bag and was able to use the scissors to cut my nail to stop it catching on things. I also keep a mini first aid kit in there too and was able to use it for the first time!

I almost blipped my socks drying in the sun on a wooden fence... but decided you'd probably not want to see that!

I got a couple of other shots too... one of some ferns that I was attempting to get some pretty bokeh... reminded me of Sarah as I know she likes pretty bokeh.. I'm sure shed have done a better job of the photo though...

I then moved further up the stream and got my feet more wet (why not, they were wet and muddy anyway!) and got these sparkles that I was quite pleased with...

I saw some Katkins and pussy willow together that reminded me of KathM's blip yesterday

On the way home I spied this ladybird trying to hide in this gatepost... I think this is my favourite shot of today... so here it is as my blip!

oh and then the sun started to go down, so I got some shots through a field... I liked the tracks a tractor had made, and I also played around with my polarising filter and I think I can see a sun spot! have a look in my blipfolio if you are interested :)

Right, I'm gonna stop waffling now! thanks for looking and thanks for reading!

you can stop laughing now ;)

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