
By shutterbugsue

Downy Woodpecker

Wow what a day! I had too many to choose from. I had a pair of beautiful goldfinches and they finally figured out what the fennel seed stocking was for.
I had a male cardinal who was a hoot he looked like and Indian Chief or a King with royal red set on fire with orange from the evening sun. His top notch the wind had blown it up like a crown. Had a couple of a little yellow rump warbler that were crystal clear blips. I also had a little wren that looked like he was in jail and wanted to know how long he had to stay. It was a tough decision but I am sticking to a different bird everyday if I can. Hope you enjoy my little downy he came four times today. The robins paid me a visit today
but no cedar waxwings this time.
Thank you to all for your wonderful and kind comments.

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