My inner self

By katharon


Ooh, said the hat..
"I want to go to the big world and find somebody who want just me".
"Alone"? Said the little tulip
"Yes", say the hat..
-"Take me with you,
I could teach you what I know and find you the right person"
said the tulip.
-"Why the hell Iwould like to go with you,
you are so different?"the hat said.
-"because, we are friends"
the tulip said.
-"ok, come on, but don´t said I didn´t warn you,
if something happens"
-"would you mind, if I take my twin-sister with me?"
asked the tulip
-"I don´t mind", the hat said

And they walk and they walk... They come into the town and there was lot of people, who wants to take hat and put it on their heads. But they are all too negative,selfish and angry and the hat didn´t want to be with them...The two tulips were in silence and they looked that they searching for something or somebody. But they didn´t say anything..
Soon the hat was tired and desperate.. He stayed on the corner on the street and think that "I´m a loser, nobody wants me"..
-"Follow us", the tulips said we know a good place to all of us..
And they walked a little further and there it was: a Flower-store and there was a pretty girl and she was the owner.
She saw the poor hat and the tulips and she said" come on in, aww, what a cute hat."
-"Would you mind"she said and take the hat and put in on in her curly hair.
Suddenly the hat fall in love in that girl and he wants to stay there forever.
The girl took the tulips also and put them into water, they start to grow and they were really happy!
So they lived happy ever after,and the hat learned that the friendship is the most important thing in the world!

Have a great friday my all dear blippers!!!

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