Clean Slate

By cleanslate


So, not to sound too smug (!) but I've started running again this week (after a medium to long hiatus) I'm signed up for the Manchester 10km race in May and I'm determined to get under 50 mins this year. I've done two lots of 5k this week and I'm feeling....stiff. And sore. But Happy :-)

Missed swimming today for a dentist appointment, which remarkably went incredibly well, no tears or tantrums. Fabulous. We should go every day!

And No.2 son split his lip on a tesco trolley, I think he was trying to see what I'd put in and he sort of toppled sideways and caught his mouth. Poor old thing. Split lips always bleed more than I'm ready for too (do I have too much experience??). And they almost never happen in the privacy of your own home, I rather think they prefer the drama of a busy thoroughfare or possibly playground. Anyway, it's almost healed now (aren't mouths quick!) and he soon perked up. Today he has discovered eating melon in strips, he is very taken with the idea. Is it wrong for 3 people (2 of them under 5) to eat a whole melon in one sitting?! No.1 son was also delighted with strips of melon but he insisted on eating it with a fork, like an ice lolly, because it was just too cold for his delicate fingers! Honestly...

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