Little Me - Big World...

By LittleLynn


Today I had to go to Asda and exchange Kris' broken xbox for a xbox that is NOT broken...

I got Kris his xbox for his birthday last year and it broke a few days ago. So today (seen as we had no plans) we decided we would take it back...

Was not as simple as I would have liked....

Problem 1: Kris lost the receipt (I had the bank statement for the card I used to purchase it though)

Problem 2: The women could not find the purchase on the computer.

Problem 3: They no longer sell that particular xbox anymore.

All these problems took forever to get around, so ended up spending majority of the day in Asda. Not my idea of a fun-filled day out....

As you can see from todays blip we got the xbox in the end and Kris is now happy again...

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