The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

At last

The winter potholes are almost a thing of the past forgiven.
My brand new shiny windscreen was fitted today and Curlyfries was interested to see how they removed it with a machine that tightens a cheese wire type arrangement and cuts out the seal around the screen. I don't know if he really needed to know how thick the seal was round the new screen, but he was informed of the same by the very chatty chap.............I forget fortunately.

So a short evening shift and home to a lonesome Ally who was home alone.

Curlyfries was frying tonight.
Mr.R is enjoying his new life in Munich........well assume he is as we haven't heard from him................


Did someone feed me razor blades last night to make my throat feel like it has been shredded? Or is this Tonsillitis with attitude?
I bravely struggle on.



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