word crimes...

"Oh words, what crimes are committed in your name"!
Eugene Ionesco

with only 19 letters, OLDEHOOSTERKERKHOF may not be the longest word in dutch...but it's shortest street in Leeuwarden ...i think...and one letter longer than my favourite spanish chilean word: im-pa-ja-ri-ta-ble-men-te ...

"Dutch is capable of forming compounds of potentially limitless length. The 49-letter word Kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamheden, meaning "preparation activities for a children's carnival procession," was cited by the 1996 Guinness Book of World Records as the longest Dutch word."

longest word in the world?...please read comments below or if this weekend is NOT full of promise, you could have a great time checking longest words here... it may change your life!!!...

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