Eyes and ears

Guess where I've been today? Aye, another walk around Pennywell, which was extended into Muirhouse since Ewan was away on a Scouts sleepover - camping in the Scout hall. Just Mandy and Ellen at the swimming so I got an hour of wandering before heading to Gerry's for breakfast. I'm really liking the way this set of photos is building up. You can see the full set here if you're interested. It's extending beyond the derelict and demolished bits into the houses that have been redeveloped and still occupied. It's a really interesting area. Really varied buildings which makes every corner a composition.

First proper outing with the new wee camera. It's a great wee thing but it has some irritations, which I'm sure I'll get used to.

Afternoon spent pottering in the garden and around the house being generally useful. An evening of wine and film, I think. Either The Kids are Alright or Eat Pray Love. Couple of chick flicks it looks like.

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