My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute


Today I finally did what I thought was only a dream...

I FORGOT TO GO TO CLASS!!! You see, I had three classes in a row, then I had to table for yearbook, so when I finally got back, I needed to eat lunch because I hadn't eaten or drank anything until this time (2 PM). Then after, I just lost track of time and thought it was Tuesday. So I was getting ready to nap ('cause that's what we college students do with our free time) when I go "Wasn't there something I was supposed to do...SHOOT!" So I ran out and got to class where she was talking about the artist Kathe Kolli something. I was only a half-hour late. Thank goodness that teachers don't really care that much if you are late or not. I know it's still bad, but it's a small consolation. I volunteered to participate in class more than usual to make up for it. But the weird thing was that during Winter Break, I had three separate dreams where I forgot to go to Humanities Core when I got back to school. AND IT HAPPENED! Just not when I expected.

I'll pay more attention to the time...and my dreams o_O

Yearbook was good today. It was chicken and ice cream and salad. Chicken from Albertson's is pretty good. Also, in my rush to get to class, I left my room key in my room. My roommate was nice enough to run it down to me. :/ Not my best day.

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