The Life of Lauren

By laurgurl326

He Wants to Be Bob Dylan

I wish I weren't posting this a day late...

I realize it's been a while.
My roadtrip to Cornell Law School meant sitting in courtrooms all day and no chance to capture the beautiful picturesque Itacha, New York.
It also meant contracting the flu and ruining the interior of Justin's car on the way home.
Which of course meant my being sick and weak for days and crying because I was practically excommunicated from this world for missing yoga! (WE ALL KNOW YOUR SUN SALUTATIONS ARE PROGRESSIVELY GETTING WORSE, LAUREN!)
Which of course means I was lethargic and picture-free since Saturday.
(At least my hiatus from blip was noticed by Bisk, lol.)

So what is the purpose of having a library in your living quarters if you aren't going to study? Listening to James play Bob Dylan obviously was a better use of my time.

For my next library piece I am now in search of "the man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to me in the library. The story can resume. I will return." So I'm quoting Atonement, but there is nothing I love better than books and scandalous behavior. If only I could capture that on film I think I would be satisfied.

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