aLL GroWn uP

By allgrownup

The same but different

I ride past these most days now. I have a pic in my earlier days of blipping( ie. 30 days ago:-)) of these roses, butI resist taking photos of them so often. This is a backblip. Yesterday I had a Wo Man Go moment, got out of work as the sky was pink and rode through the quiet backstreets of Berlin, loving my day, my ride, my life and my future then I get to my Berlin roses and am complelled to take a picture and capture the colour of the sky and remember the way I feel.

Had a very cool night. Ended up, after a shot of tequila from a generous bar man, going to a ´voodoo blues´gig in which we painted our faces with black paint and ash, drew on the paper covered walls and listened to some very listenable music....even with a guy playing the saucepan. It was definitely a memorable evening, but also the beginning of many more to come:-)

Good night McCourt.

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