Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Drive-by wire patterns

After breakfast and one movie in Carl's Kino (unfortunately, the dreadfully awful Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End, the third of the series), it was back home again.

The rest of the day was totally uneventful. Carl loaned me a book since I'd finished yet another in the long list of titles I've been racing through recently. For a real change from the thrillers which have dominated my recent reading, this time I've moved back to Napoleonic times and a sequence of three books by C.S. Forester under the collective title Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.. I immersed myself in them as soon as I got home -- great stuff!

Well aware that I was blipless, I happened to spot this pattern of telegraph lines or whatever, which looked interesting against the patch of blue sky which accompanied me home. A quick roll-down of the car window, and that was that.

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