A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

All change

Busy day in the house moving, rearranging, building flat-pack stuff from yesterday's shop. So much so the kids have described it as our "new old house". Perhaps most significant was J gently but firmly requesting the sole occupancy of his room. A took this unexpectedly well, especially after it was agreed she could have sign that said no-one was allowed in her room without knocking.

In amongst all these activity there were dance classes and a party and a playdate visit from young friends who entertained the children and probably the most handy grown-up we know to have around when there's flat-packing to be done.

The evening saw our second failed attempt to stay awake during Inception. I don't know what it is with a film about sleeping and dreaming but we can't stay awake during it! Lasted longer than the night before but it's still going to take at least one more viewing. On the plus side we understand it a little more each time.

Back-blipping this from the benefit of Sunday and the happy knowledge that both kids slept better and later than they have in ages. So hurrah for the new regime.

Lesley x

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