A Dog's Dinner

By G

What is it with printers.....

The scenario:
You've got a really good printer but you don't use it as much as you should so you decide that it's the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Plug it in and download another driver because you've dumped the previous one in a 'memory cull'.
Print a test sheet all is well.
Print the first photograph.
Lines across the image.
Test print on plain paper - all looks well
Clean the nozzles.
Llines across the image but not quite as bad.
Deep clean the nozzles
Clean the 'base' plate
Third print no lines but the photograph has a 'cold' cast
Adjust the image temperature.
Forth print - warning the magenta ink has run out

After an hour - not one decent print done. Then you remember why you got fed up trying with the big printer in the first place.

Second attempt with small postcard printer that's not been used in a year.

Spend 20 minutes trying to find the 'lost' power cable.
Download a driver as this printer is normally plugged directly in a camera
Problem 'unstuffing' software
Software 'unstuffed'
Spend another 20 minutes trying to find the paper carrier.
Print first photograph - actually very charming in postcard size
Two hours after the start you've printed 3 pictures.

Question Why have large format cameras?
Answer. Dunno.

Why can you never plug in a printer and print a decent picture without hours of buggering about?

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